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The 5th C: Care

We like to believe there is a fifth C – the care of your diamond. Caring for your diamond jewellery keeps it looking its best and prevents the diamonds from being lost or damaged.

A regular, professional cleaning is recommended, usually every six months. Diamond jewellery can easily acquire a buildup of dirt, make‐up and other materials that can diminish its brightness, especially if it is worn every day. Every Peoples store offers professional cleanings free of charge. Our Jewellery Consultants will also check for loose diamonds, bent or broken prongs or loose settings. Regular professional cleaning and inspections will also ensure your diamond warranty remains in effect.

At‐Home Diamond Care

If you wear your diamond jewellery every day, you should clean it once a week. Ultrasonic cleaners are convenient and effective. However, you should avoid using an ultrasonic cleaner if your diamond has a serious crack or inclusion. The vibrations of these cleaners may enlarge such flaws.

If you choose not to use an ultrasonic cleaner, clean your diamond jewellery with a soft‐bristled toothbrush and a clean liquid detergent. Rinse with fresh water and dry polish with a chamois or microfiber cloth.

Keep your diamonds looking new by following Diamond Do's and Don'ts:
  • DO store your diamond jewellery separately in your jewellery box. Since diamonds scratch other diamonds, and can also scratch pearls and other gemstones, the optimum way to store diamonds is alone or in a soft pouch.
  • DON'T wear your diamond jewellery while doing activities like household chores, gardening or sports. If you do, make sure your jeweller checks your item for loose or broken prongs regularly.
  • DO take your ring in for inspection and professional cleaning at least twice a year.
  • DON'T wear your diamond jewellery while applying lotions, makeup, hair sprays or perfumes. These chemicals can dull the sparkle of your diamond jewellery.
  • DO insure your diamonds against loss or theft. A diamond engagement ring is an investment of both money and emotion. Your insurance company can provide a rider to cover any costly items such as an engagement ring or other diamond jewellery

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